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Interview with Usman Kasaba - VP Education

Part of our elected officer series

What is your name and what did you study/are you studying at UCLan?

Hi. I’m Usman Kasaba and I studied Biomedical Science at UCLan

What is your role in the Student Union?

I am the Vice President of Education, so I represent students on academic matters and ensure that the students get the best academic experience during their time here.

Why did you choose to get involved in Student Government?

In my last year, I was School President for the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and during that time, I was involved in a few workstreams particularly with the student voice and an inclusive curriculum, so I felt going into the Vice President of Education role was the next step to continue to tackle these issues head on.

What are your main goals for the 2021/22 academic year?

My three main goals for this year are: inequality in education, academic support, and value for money.

Who is your disabled role model?

Chadwick Boseman

How are you going to use your position to support disabled students?

One of the things I’m looking at with inequality in education is the issues and inequality that disabled students face in education. I want to identify these key issues and lobby the university to make change

If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing at UCLan, what would it be and why?

The student experience. I want to ensure that while at UCLan, students get the best experience from the moment they accept their offer to the moment they shake the VC’s hands on graduation because university is an unforgettable experience.

By the end of the year, one thing you want to have achieved is…

Make positive change for the students.

What message would you want to give new students at UCLan for 2021?

The Students’ Union is here to support you always

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